Vivirlas plenamente es la razón...
Vivirlas calmando la sed, el hambre... .Encontrando cobijo... Juntar las manos... y esparcir las estrellas... Recreando todo lo que sí está!
Mané Castro Videla
Diosa Mané
Mané Castro Videla - Mujer Poeta y Artista Plástica Argentina - Española
Greetings from Finland. This, through a blog is a great get to know other countries and their people, nature and culture. Come take a look Teuvo images and blog to tell all your friends that your country flag will stand up to my collection of flag higher. Sincerely, Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland
Greetings from Finland. This, through a blog is a great get to know other countries and their people, nature and culture. Come take a look Teuvo images and blog to tell all your friends that your country flag will stand up to my collection of flag higher. Sincerely, Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland